Guarding Hanna Miha Mazzini
Guarding Hanna
Miha Mazzini
12,00 €

Guarding Hanna was nominated for International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award 2004, "the largest and most international prize of its kind".

Guarding Hanna was selected by critics as 4th best foreign novel of the year 2008 in Serbia!

The deformed and hermet-like narrator of this humorous thriller spends earns his keep as a hitman for the local mafia. But when Hanna Woyczik becomes the key witness in a pivotal court case, he is called on to perform the most difficult task imaginable: to move in with and guard the woman for an entire week. about Guarding Hanna

Trenutno še neocenjena.

Avtorji: Miha Mazzini

Število strani: 278

Leto izdaje: 2008

Dimenzije: 15.2 x 22.9 x 2 cm

Vezava: Mehka

Zalozba: eBesede d.o.o.

Jezik: angleški

ISBN: 9781556437267

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